Jet Attack Move

Arcade air combat as you fly your jet to destroy enemies in fast-paced battles

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App Info

  • Rating

    Rated for 7+

  • Release

    Feb 24, 2023

  • Last Update

    RAH-66 Comanche Released (with Stealth capabilities)! New Airliner2 vehicle type added Lots of 3rd person camera mode improvements Fix bug with setjet command Fix downloading official missions in Mission Editor

  • Genre



Arcade air combat as you fly your jet to destroy enemies in fast-paced battles. Fly one of 50+ jets in 10+ game modes ranging from dog fighting to close air support, ship attacks and bomber escorts. With 100+ player created missions and more being added every day, there is something for everyone. Jets include the F-22, F-14, Su-57, F-16, MiG-29, F-111, Seahawk and B1-B.


  • Myster

    Controls need a litle bit of tweaking, and some maybe add content that players could progress through. Edit: After few updates, I can not stand camera action, instead of focusing on my jet it tries to zoom out to cover all enemies and i end up crashing because of it

  • Ness

    A very impressive game. though I wish there was an option where we could adjust control sensitivity. other than that, gameplay is awesome. no annoying pop up ads every 10 seconds, free jets, multiple game modes and many more is what makes this game so much fun!

  • biboy Lim

    Add LAN multiplayer plsss so we can play with friends offline. By the way the game is too damn good👌🤟.

  • Frederick Meyers

    Cool Lil game graphics and planes are awesome and you get them free all kinds I haven't tried everything but everything looks cool except it needs some work control is one of them and I've tried every option on that the control of the plane is pretty much uncontrollable it needs a new method of control maybe accelerometer that's a good control method not being able to control your plane well makes it kinda hard to lock on the enemy plane or shoot it there's more but can't write it out of room.

  • A J

    despite its simple and intuitive controls this little gem has gripped my attention for hours with its seemingly endless replayability. give it a shot

  • Fatpenguin789

    Good game! Just a few problems, some aircraft's you can play as in missions, you can't play as in dogfights like the F117. Please add this to dogfights

  • Lucas Bonilha

    Very fun! So many modes. It's worth trying out. Feels great and satisfying to fly the jets. There's a survival mode that has upgrades as you progress. So much fun!

  • Darren Brading

    Had An ABSOLUTE BLAST on this game at first I thought It was boring but now I'm addicted take your hard earned money. Edit: some people have been moaning alot about bugs and all that and the dev is a solo dev I think that's what he said but the game is still impressive today but now I know your busy but it could be fun if you add matches with random people.

  • Sri Manjunatha

    Super game with additional graphics and the best part is the missions as the missions get easy and so intresting to play at free time. Also pls add the jaguar jr3 jet ,yak 138 ,su20and 21 also 22 pls

  • Newb4real

    Very laggy on mobile. I barely could dogfight, shooting delayed, turning delayed everything was freezing. But my device may not be suitable. If it weren't laggy I would say it is amazing which is why I'm giving 4 stars!.

  • Gailstorm86

    Nice game, But I wish multi-player had as many jets as offline mode did. Having teams with like 5-10 players each would also be nice rather than it always being 1v1.
